Badass Election - Vote like Your Life as a Cancer Survivor Depends on it - It Does!
As a cancer survivor of one of the most prevalent and deadly yet most underfunded cancers, and an LGBTQ person, I'm asking you to VOTE!
Welcome to my BadASS Life... The Poopologist is in! ✌️❤️💩
Badass Election - Vote like Your Life as a Cancer Survivor Depends on it - It Does!
BadASS Statistics
Badass Tips for Surviving Colorectal Cancer Treatment - Part 3 - Radiation
Badass Tips for Surviving Colorectal Cancer Treatment— Part 1 - Treatment Plan
BadASS Pride — Celebrating Taboo Culture, Pride Month & Cancer Survivors Month!
BadASSes Call On Congress
The Making of a BadASS - Part 2
The Making of a BadASS - Part 1
The BadASS Truth About Colorectal Cancer